Talk to The Entities With Chandana Anand Bawa Join us in Mumbai or ONLINE for the complete 2.5 days ttte beginnings class Followed by The TTTE Intermediate 1 day Class

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them? Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you […]

What if menopause was a point of view that you are projecting at your body to create as a reality.

Hello dear friends ! Have you heard the latest that’s hitting as young as 30? *Menopause !* Men – O – Pause !( yeah men have menopause too !) But I am just 30 – Early Menopause *Symptoms* Anger outbursts Dryness Hot flashes Cold Itchy Bitchy Bloated Forgetful Wrinkles Osteoporoses Joint pains Sounds like you […]

The Foundation Class 9th to 12th August Delhi With Chandana Anand Bawa

Followed by the magical 3.5 days Foundation Class Empowering You To Know That You Know Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class. The Foundation classes are designed to empower […]