About Access Consciousness
Access Consciousness is available in more than 170 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world for the past 30 years. Learn more about how Access started, it´s different point of view on life and what consciousness itself is.
What Is Access Consciousness?
Consciousness includes everything and everyone and judges nothing and no one. Are you ready to expand the level of choices and possibilities that are available to you?
Access is a different point of view about life. It’s based on the idea that you’re not wrong, that you know and that consciousness can shift anything. It gives you access to the possibilities that exist when you no longer stick yourself and no longer believe that you are stuck. If you had total choice available, what would you create?
What Is Consciousness?
Oneness includes everything and judges nothing. The aim of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. To get you to the point where you have access to total awareness, with no judgment of anything. If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just for what it is.
Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine.
Access is an ever-evolving method for altering the parts of your life that don’t show up the way you know they could. It has the questions you’re not asking. Access is not for the feeble-minded or the faint-of-heart. If you have the courage and desire to be truly you, the extraordinary you, the phenomenal you, maybe Access is for you.
If your purpose in life were to have fun, what would you change?
If you were celebrating your life today, what would you choose?
What else is possible that you’ve never considered?
The information, tools and techniques presented on this website are just a small taste of what Access has to offer. There is a whole Universe of processes and classes. If there are places where you can’t get things in your life to work the way you know they ought to, then you might be interested in attending an Access class, workshop or locating a facilitator. They can work with you to give you greater clarity about issues you haven’t yet overcome.
How it all started?
This Is Not The Answer
Although tools of Access Consciousness have generated a great deal of change in the lives of many people, Access does not declare itself to be the only way. Access empowers you to know what is true for you. It allows you to know that you know!
What Is An Access Bars Session?
An Access Bars Session, or having your Bars run, as it is often called, begins to release the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and limiting programs that no longer serve you.
During a session the 32 Bars points are lightly touched. This process begins to release the electromagnetic charge or polarity of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations and decisions as it is stored in your brain.
Typically, you lie on a massage table or sit in a zero gravity chair. Only the head, hands and feet (optional) are touched.
The Bars can be run anywhere; a noisy environment will not prevent the Bars from running. A typical bars session is 60-90 minutes.