Ready to have FUN as a parent and empower your kids? Join Conscious Parents Conscious Kids (CPCK) 2 Day Class

Ready to have FUN as a parent and empower your kids?

Conscious Parents Conscious Kids (CPCK) 2 Day Class offers pragmatic tips, tools and processes that work in changing anything!

Isha and Chandana will be facilitating the 2 day class over 10 calls , 2 calls weekly (1.5 hours each call )

You will receive the manual and replay.

We will be sharing tools to make your life easier not just with kids but also with your parents , spouse , siblings , in laws .

It’s a family class that has you stepping into being and receiving more of you .

Facilitated by the mother and daughter duo :
Chandana Anand Bawa
Isha Bawa Sethi


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Event Time