Have you ever experienced a moment of complete enthusiasm and joy to do something and then you were told how wrong / useless the idea was.Β 

Have you ever experienced a moment of complete enthusiasm and joy to do something and then you were told how wrong / useless the idea was.
What did that do to your enthusiasm ?
Was it similar to a tyre being deflated ?
Yeah ! I know that one too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
And IF
you were brave enough to choose in the face of all heads shaking , whatΒ  showed up ?
Did people cheer you on or did they try harder to make you wrong by telling you what the end result would be ?
Did they make you wrong by picking on your past of who you were and how they were somehow superior than you ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Bubble burst – If they are talking about you , they probably don’t have the guts to choose what you did in the first place !
Haha !!!
The antidote – laugh , it isn’t personal.
This is what they know.
Keep going !